How in the world can you ever expect your wife to love you once you’ve cheated on her? How can she ever forgive you? You’ve already done the deed, now it’s time to make things right. Keep reading to learn exactly what you should do to save your marriage.

Being the guy who helps people CATCH affairs, it’s not very often that I get a chance to play the good guy and help people heal, but I want you to listen to what I have to say. There are several things that all healed relationships have in common; Here are 3 steps to get you on track to a saved marriage:

1st – Know What YOU Want

I’m guessing that the mere fact you’re reading this article means that you can skip this step, but I still feel obligated to get this out of the way:

You have to WANT to fix your marriage to be able to actually fix it.

Think very carefully about this, because if you don’t want to stay with your spouse, now is the time to leave. If you work to heal your relationship, and then cheat again…

Well, that’s just unforgivable. So do yourself a favor, and make sure you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you really, truly want to make things right.

You do? Great, let’s move on then.

2nd – Burn Bridges with your (Ex-)Lover

I know, obvious right?

You’d think that, but I can almost promise you that at some point you’ll be tempted to contact them. And if you don’t, then chances are they will. Most affairs just don’t die that easily.

But you have to be impenetrable. Under no circumstances should you contact your ex-lover EVER. Doing so will just expose you to temptation that you don’t need. And your spouse sure as heck won’t like it, either.

3rd – Be 100% Transparent

At this point, your spouse knows you have an affair…Trying to hide anything is totally pointless. You’re trying to earn trust back, right?

So be honest. Let me rephrase that to make it a little bit clearer.



You need to remember at all times that YOU are the one on a short leash. YOU are the one that needs to prove you’re interested.


Not your spouse.

So don’t try and hide anything, just be honest.

Listen, it’s absolutely crucial that you tread lightly from here on out. One wrong step and you could ruin all of your hard work, and totally ruin your spouse’s trust all over again.

Remember, there are 3 main phases to healing after an affair:

1. Heal the Self
2. Heal the Relationship
3. Heal the Marriage

It’s important that you learn the differences between the 3, and how you can use them to save your marriage.